pátek 28. února 2014

The Song - Anthem of Deep House

Kerri Chandler, 70 min Boiler Room Mix

Byť producentkou, tak by v mojom portfóliu figurovali minimálne títo štyria skvelí zo srdca, duše a zažitých stavov milovaní umelci. Peven Everett je multiinštrumentalista, ktorého sledujem dlhšiu dobu, Kerriho Chandlera som objavila iba včera, ale za to ho stále počujem, teda pardon - počúvam. Pevne verím, že obaja Američania časom do nášho kúta sveta zavítajú. I keď by sa zdalo, že títo dvaja spolu nesúvisia, nie je to pravda. Rada by som dodala, že ma baví fakt, že k Pevenovi Everetovi som sa dostala cez set anglického DJ Johna Digweeda a cez Kerriho Chandlera zasa k hymnickému deep house The Song od Martina Stimminga, nemeckého deep mága. Oh Yeah! Panda je späť. No a teraz k veci, Martin Stimming, autor spomínaného tracku The Song, sa na tanečenj scéne objavil relatívne dávno (2008) a to vo veľkom štýle s originálnym a vlastným zvukom - Martin Stimming údajne nikdy nepoužíva jeden a ten istý sample viac ako raz! Nie div, že omráčil davy po celom tanečnom svete. Zaujímavé je, že aj vokály (v prípade The Song hovorené slovo), ktoré Stimming používa sú jeho vlastné.

The Song

"Welcome…Please take a seat, Yes I know you’re late.
What I want you to understand is that the song doesn’t necessarily exist. It wasn’t composed, it wasn’t written, it wasn’t produced, in fact the song is happening right now…In your brain…You are the composer.
It started when you woke up, when you started your day, when you walked out to the yard, when you greeted that old lady by the corner, when you bought bread and milk…when you stepped into the office, this song began.
The song is about to finish but, before it finishes what you need to understand is that you are the composer. You created the song…you created it when you broke up with her, when you got with him, when you took too many beers and you smoked too much weed…
No! There won’t be a remix, no, there are no featuring artists…its just you, You composed this song.
You’re correct…you will compose another song tomorrow. When you get up, when you wash your face, when you walk out the door and when you greet that old lady and you go to work and you do the same things that you did yesterday…you will be composing another song…How it sounds, is completely up to you."

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Keri Chandler


John Digweed

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